You want to write a screenplay but page one is overwhelmingly white. Or you’ve finished your script but the narrative falls flat. Or the structure is a mess. Or your characters are . . . blah. Or, worst of all, you’re blocked. Completely and totally blocked. You clean your house, wash your car, walk the dog—do anything to avoid sitting down at that computer. You want to quit, throw in the towel, give up. But deep down, you really want to write that screenplay. That’s where I come in.

As a certified coach who specializes in working with new and seasoned screenwriters, my goal is to partner with you in finding solutions to those things that are blocking you or making you feel stuck in your writing.

I meet you at your level and together we dig deep to design realistic strategies to address specific issues. We will work together to develop the inner resources and resilience you need to meet goals, transition through challenges, eliminate negative patterns, and find the motivation to write that screenplay and find joy in the process.

I would love to join you on your journey.

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